If you are purchasing a boat, and have a shortlist of a possible three, then a Walk-through Survey of each of the boats can be beneficial to identify the relative merits and problems of each boat, and their general condition and state of maintenance. This survey type is relatively inexpensive.
If you go on to have a Pre-purchase Survey on the same boat then the price of the Walk-through Survey will be discounted. Once you have chosen a boat to buy a Pre-Purchase survey will give you peace of mind before completing the purchase. This survey will involve a detailed examination of the structure of the hull, vessel and systems to identify any damage or defects that require repair. A detailed report is produced listing the findings and recommendations, and can be used to ensure the vendor has the repairs carried out prior to completion, or to negotiate a reduction in the price to take into account the cost of the repairs. If requested, a Valuation Report can be produced for a small additional cost.
Insurance companies occasionally require a survey report before providing insurance cover. The Insurance Survey is designed to meet their requirements.
A Damage Survey is to identify and document the nature and extent of any damage that a vessel has sustained, and is useful for obtaining quotations for repair work, or for any insurance company or third party involved.